Apps & Software

V2 Pro Series 3 review
Apps & Software

V2 Pro Series 3 review

As someone trying to quit smoking cigarettes, the idea of a vaporiser is perfect. But where do you start? Through a review found on Google, I came across V2, a UK based E Cigarette and Vaporiser manufacturer. They’ve created the V2 Pro Series 3 vaporiser pen. The different thing about this pen is its three…

Do you suffer from Social Paranoia?
Apps & Software

Do you suffer from Social Paranoia?

Social paranoia is the feeling you get when you hesitate before posting an update. It’s the feeling you get on a Saturday morning after drunkenly texting your ex the night before. The feeling you get when your friends won’t stop posting about their perfect lives, making your own life look boring in comparison. And I…

Casino Security Changing with New Technology
Apps & Software

Casino Security Changing with New Technology

Many casino operators around the world are still relying on old fashioned surveillance systems like CCTV to track any fraudulent activities occurring in their casinos. This has led to many reputable casino operators turning to online forms. Online casinos such as William Hill UK have had years of experience as a land-based sportsbook, but have…

Improving Your Life With Apps
Apps & Software

Improving Your Life With Apps

A phone or tablet can be a huge benefit to your life. They give you access to numerous features that we are all starting to need more and more. Simply being able to call or text someone at any time is now taken for granted. Being able to access the internet wherever we are to…

5 Best Yoga Apps For Beginners
Apps & Software

5 Best Yoga Apps For Beginners

Whether you are strolling along the park or simply visiting an area specifically designed for exercise, you may have come across people in seemingly impossible poses. The first word that comes to mind is probably yoga. And you may ask yourself what is the point of these poses? What benefits could they possibly provide? Yoga,…