All posts by Mozbot Team

Mozbot is a UK based technology blog featuring news, reviews and opinions on anything tech related so whether you’re a self-confessed Apple fanboy or you prefer a phone with buttons, you can be sure to find something here. Batteries not included.

3 Exciting Apple Products for 2013

3 Exciting Apple Products for 2013

  2013 is now well underway, which means we can expect a whole host of new and exciting gadgets bursting their way on the market. And as gadgets go, no company creates as much buzz as tech-giants Apple, the company that single-handedly changed the way we use technology. So let’s take bite out of Apples…

The Value Of A Website

The Value Of A Website

Learn all you need to know about the World Wide Web and how much of an influence it is having on consumers and businesses throughout the world with the latest infographic. How much are websites being bought for and what kind of sites is being purchased? How many people are on the digital platform and…


Dell Latitude E6320 Laptop – Review

The Dell Latitude E6320 is a rugged, ultra-portable laptop small enough to carry easily but large enough for comfortable typing and navigation. Targeted at the business market, this Dell Laptop works just as well for students, home users and many others. In addition to its rugged exterior and light weight, the E6320 also includes a…

EA President confirms there will be a Battlefield 4

EA President confirms there will be a Battlefield 4

Only a couple of weeks old, Battlefield 3 has already been shot down in flames by EA’s president. He has all but confirmed that there will be a Battlefield 4. Although nothing else was said about Battlefield 4’s release, but you can expect some improvements. Battlefield 3 which is officially EA’s fastest selling game ever…

No iPhone 5; Instead we got the iPhone 4S

No iPhone 5; Instead we got the iPhone 4S

Last week, Apple announced their latest handset, the iPhone 4S. People were somewhat disappointed with this announcement because everyone was expecting there to be a totally new, iPhone 5. Well sorry folks, we’re going to have to make do with a phone that looks exactly the same as the iPhone 4, it’s just a hell…

Apple set to announce TWO new handsets?

Apple set to announce TWO new handsets?

With the latest Apple conference set to take place tomorrow and the fact the invites were titled “Let’s talk iPhone” is a bit of a giveaway as to what they’re set to be announcing tomorrow. The rumours have been rife over the last few months about whether we’re going to see a new iPhone or…